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Training dogs in new skills has changed over the 40 years that we have been in the craft, it is not acceptable, or necessary, to use harsh methods in training. 


The practice of motivational methods based on guidance & psychology are successful for both the dog and the owner/handler to use 


It is so important that every dog should be trained in at least basic obedience, a trained dog can be taken out and about safely, he will usually have more freedom than an untrained dog.

A trained dog nearly always has a better relationship with his owner and there is often a better level of understanding between them


We do not organise or run Puppy Training Classes or any regular Group Training Sessions. 

We only work on a private one-to-one basis.

Gundog Training

More and more we are contacted to help with the development, the maintenance or the resolution of problem behaviours in hyper-aroused, over-excited or frustrated companion gundog breeds.


The skills used in Gundog Training can be adopted for most areas of obedience and behaviour.

No matter what breed of dog you own,  we can help with skills such as…



Steady to flush

Reliable heeling


Drive building and puppy development

Better off lead control

Stopping and direction control.


Having worked in the industry for forty years, we understand that every dog is different and a one-size-fits-all approach does not yield the best result


Private GundogTraining (1-2-1) Tailored to your dog.




Allow 90 mins 




Allow 90 mins 





Allow from 2 - 4 hours


* Fieldwork sessions are offered once your dog has the core skills in place.



Once back in the office, post-session supporting notes are put together and emailed to you.




(One-off sessions to brush up on previous training or concentrate on one particular area of training) 

Private 1-2-1





Equipment to bring along:

Your usual walking equipment 


Waterproof footwear





Please note that we work in public areas where other dogs and owners will be, many of these dogs will be off-leash and may run over to join us - which we can turn into a training opportunity. 

our own dogs may be present too.

If your dog won't cope well in such an event, or you prefer a contained area, the Carluke Run Free privately hired dog fields are along the same road as us, so we can always join you there.





"Training any dog requires a lot of work, but training a gundog is another skill altogether." 

John Norris 2018


Hunting is not so widespread as it once was, and many gundogs are now kept as family pets, where owners can often find themselves struggling with unwanted behaviours, uncontrolled drives, arousal and high energy.


You don't need to be active in Country sports to use gundog training with your dog..


There are 38 different breeds of gundogs recognised by the Kennel Club


Gundog Breeds



Bracco Italiano

Braque D’Auvergne


English Setter

German Longhaired Pointer

German Shorthaired Pointer

German Wirehaired Pointer

Gordon Setter

Hungarian Vizsla

Hungarian Wire-Haired Vizsla

Irish Red & White Setter

Irish Setter

Italian Spinone

Korthals Griffon

Lagotto Romagnolo

Large Munsterlander


Portuguese Pointer

Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)

Retriever (Curly Coated)

Retriever (Flat-Coated)

Retriever (Golden)

Retriever (Labrador)

Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)

Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer

Small Munsterlander

Spaniel (American Cocker)

Spaniel (American Water)

Spaniel (Clumber)

Spaniel (Cocker)

Spaniel (English Springer)

Spaniel (Field)

Spaniel (Irish Water)

Spaniel (Sussex)

Spaniel (Welsh Springer)

Spanish Water Dog



Originally bred for hunting and trained to seek out and/or retrieve game after it had been shot and wounded. 


These breeds can be broken down into three main types according to the way that they hunt.


The Spaniels: 

Including the Cocker and Springer. Their function is to hunt and flush fur and feathered game from the undergrowth for the gun. 

They will also retrieve dead and injured game.


The Retrievers: 

Including the Labrador, the Flatcoat, the Chesapeake and the Golden Retriever, their function is to retrieve dead or injured game. 

They can also be used to hunt and flush fur and feathered game


The Pointers and Setters: 

Including the English Pointer, the English Setter, the Gordon Setter and the Irish Setter. 

These dogs hunt and point the scent of game by standing still (indicating the game) 

When given instruction the dog will then flush the game. 

Many pointers and setters will also retrieve


Versatile Hunting Dogs. (HPR) Including the German Shorthaired Pointer, and the German Wirehaired Pointer, the Hungarian Vizsla, the Weimaraner and the Brittany, their function is to Hunt, Point and Retrieve both fur and feather. 

These breeds were also used to indicate larger quarry and track to locate the shoot.

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