Experience & Expertise
Since 1982
Private Dog Training
Veteran Dog Trainer
07787 402 759
Across North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire & West Lothian
My Dog
I asked for strength that I might rear her perfectly;
I was given weakness that I might feed her more treats.
I asked for good health that I might rest easy;
I was given a "special needs" dog that I might know nurturing.
I asked for an obedient dog that I might feel proud;
I was given stubbornness that I might feel humble.
I asked for compliance that I might feel masterful;
I was given a clown that I might laugh.
I asked for a companion that I might not feel lonely;
I was given a best friend that I would feel loved.
I got nothing I asked for, But everything that I needed.
1.1 This Code provides the general public with an objective measurement that can be used to help them choose an appropriate service and provider.
1.2 It sets out the key principles and standards which behaviourists and trainers are expected to follow and uphold.
1.3 The Code is intended to reflect the good practice that already exists in organisations.
2.1 Individuals have professional obligations to their clients, the animals they are helping, their employers (where relevant), to one another, to students, to the animal requiring the service, to colleagues in other disciplines (e.g. Veterinary Surgeon) and to society.
2.2 In order that they may discharge their obligations to their clients they must be able to meet the expense of the professional provisions which are necessary for safeguarding and promoting the rights of both the client and the animal. The primary objective of this code is to express the values and principles which are essential to those working with animal behaviour and training.
Animal welfare
Effective provision
Service to the client
Individuals and organisations have a duty to:
4.1 Ensure that the main requirements of the code are readily available to clients.
4.2 Work within the legal framework of the country where the service is being delivered.
4.3 Safeguard and promote the welfare of others especially the client and the animal.
4.4 To work in the best interests of the animal and the person responsible for the animal’s care. Avoid any individual behaviour which might unreasonably violate professional boundaries, unreasonably damage professional relationships or cause harm to the animal or client.
4.5 Use professional knowledge, research and experience to contribute to the discipline of behaviour and training. .
4.6 Ensure that they do not act out of prejudice against any person or group, on any grounds including origin, ethnicity, class, sex, status, sexual orientation, age, disability.
4.7 Be honest, transparent and accurate about their competence, experience, achievements and affiliations.
4.8 Take on work only within the practitioners’ existing capabilities
4.9 Encourage clients to seek other forms of treatment if behaviour modification or training is not the most appropriate means of treating the condition or problem.
4.10 Maintain and extend competence in order to provide a quality service that is accountable. Appraise new methods and techniques in order to extend experience.
4.11 Provide honest and reliable written (where appropriate) opinions,
4.12 Take appropriate action if health or any other factor is likely to interfere with judgement or performance of duty.
4.13 Make it clear when making statements whether you do so as a private individual or as a professional
4.14 Keep a record of all complaints and actions taken.
Individuals must be alert to the possibility of any conflict of interest which may affect their ability to exercise discretion or bias their judgement.
Individuals will not act without the informed consent of their client, unless required by law to protect the animal, the person or another from the risk of harm.
Consent to disclose information must be obtained from the client before sharing related information with third parties. Any disclosure of information must be made only with the client’s permission unless there are overriding legal, safety or ethical considerations.
Comply with the Data Protection Act.
Practitioner advertising must not:
Mislead or deceive users of their service
Be sensational or make unrealistic, or unsubstantiated performance claims
Create unjustifiable expectations about the length or type of treatment or unrealistic prospects for success
Make claims of superiority or disparage colleagues or members of other organisations or professions
There must be transparency in the charges, terms and conditions of the service that the practitioner provides.
T & C's
T & C's
Terms/Conditions PawManagement Training & Services Agreement
It is assumed that by booking our services that terms are understood and agreed.
I/We______________________ (Client) have requested PawManagement to assist in the training and/or behaviour of my dog(s)
Fees shall be of the National Average standard for the industry in Private Tuition Training of £50 - £80 per hour or National Average Standard for the Industry in Behavioural Therapy of £75 - £150 per hour
Travel fees, & Out of Consultation fees will be included and detailed clearly.
Fees are due upon booking as paid in full prior to sessions or otherwise agreed by both parties. Fees need to be paid within a week of the appointment, so that the appointment is available to be offered to other clients in good time should you not proceed. Payment is non refundable in event of any “no-show” or appointment is cancelled with fewer than 48 hours notice
Pawmanagement reserve the right to use all or any video footage or images taken during sessions or as updates for purpose of education and promotion. This will not affect you rights to confidentiality if you request them during the session.
Description of Services
I understand that the Consultant will work directly with me and my dog/s to impart canine behavioural expertise that best fits our needs, and that successful companion dog programs depend upon a combination of learned skills on the part of the dog and owner.
I understand that Behaviour is not static; an animal will not continue to perform even trained behaviours without ongoing practice. Especially in cases involving any type of aggression, although behaviour may be modified, the dog is never considered “cured.” Explanation and prognosis will be given at assessment.
The dogs’ behaviour is ultimately the owner’s responsibility.
Consultant will make every reasonable effort to help us attain goals but makes no guarantees of performance on the part of the Client or dog as a result of providing professional canine behaviour consultation.
Client acknowledges that obedience training/behaviour modification may be an activity in which damage or injury may occur to dog(s) and/or Person(s) and/or Property.
Client will assume full financial/moral responsibility for the actions of their dog(s). Client further acknowledges that dog(s) may be exposed to a variety of environmental conditions which include, but are not limited to, vehicular travel, interaction with people and other animals, exposure to areas with crowds and all types of traffic.
I/We agree that I, my/ heirs, assignees and legal representatives will not make claim against, sue or attach the property of the consultant, her family, acquaintances, or any other person acting upon her behalf. (From now referred to as “agents”), for injury or damage done to or by dogs resulting from action or negligence, however caused, by consultant or her agents.
I/We client, forever release consultant and /or agents from any and all liability and demands which I/We, and my/our heirs assignees and legal representatives may have hereafter have for injury or damage to or by dog(s) and assume all risks thereof.
In any action or proceeding arising out of this agreement, Client and Consultant hereby agree to mediate and/or arbitrate any misunderstanding that may rise pursuant to the terms contained herein
This contract supersedes all other agreements, written or verbal, previously made between client and consultant
Date: Client signature (Print name and address): Consultant:

Conflict of Interest Policy
The Training industry is currently flooded with new-starts having entered from the unregulated and over crowded world of dog-walking often with little more than text book training. Countless times, 'industry information seekers' as they are known, pretend to be a potential client in order to further themselves in an underhand manner.
Our business Conflict of Interest Policy refers to any case where a clients personal interest might contradict the interest of the services we provide, now, or in the future.
This is an unwanted circumstance as it may have heavy implications on the clients judgement and commitment to the advice and by extension to the realisation of its goals and high reputation of this business.
We reserve the right to decline our services at any time to professional dog walkers, those within, wishing to enter or entering the training/behaviour industry or volunteers at such.
This business conflict of interest policy applies to all prospective, current or past clients as well as independent persons acting on behalf of the business.
The relationship of the business with its clients is built and based on mutual trust.
As the business is committed to preserve the interests of the clients and their dogs, under its advice and guidance, it expects them to act in the same respectful manner.
Conflict of interest may occur whenever a clients interest in a particular subject may lead them to actions, activities or relationships that undermine the consultant and the business, and may place it to a disadvantage or potential loss
What is a clients conflict of interest?
This situation may take many different forms that have included on many occasions in the past, but are not limited to, conflict of interest examples:
Client gaining knowledge and advice to their advantage in growth as competition to the business.
Clients engaging in activities that will bring direct or indirect profit to any competitor including themselves.
Clients expanding into the industry and using connections/obtained advice given in good faith through the business for their own business purposes.
The possibility that a conflict of interest may occur can be addressed and resolved before any actual damage is done.
All conflicts of interest will be resolved by termination of any future consultant/client relationship.
In general, clients are advised to refrain from hiring our services if they have any connection or future interests and external activities that come into opposition with the businesses fundamental interests.